Setor Ferroviário

Four measures that guarantee railroad safety

The process of cargo transport by rail involves many workers who need to take standardized rail safety measures to avoid accidents as much as possible. 

In addition, railroad safety also refers to how the tracks are assembled and managed by the companies and professionals responsible for the network concessions.

At this point, the way in which the railroad superstructure is installed (rail, sleeper, among others), the composition of trains and maintenance on the tracks has a great impact on the safety of the people involved, the structures themselves and the loads that are handled. 

In this sense, we selected 4 measures that can and need to be implemented during the construction and operation of the railroads so that the railroad safety is as efficient and qualified as possible for everyone.


planejamento de segurança

To start with, we need to talk about the modernization of this sector. As well as countless other segments of work, such as sales companies, service providers, producers, among others, the railroad sector is also increasingly dependent on modernization and technology to further expand railroad safety.

In recent decades, the technological boom has been quite intense, and has reached the entire world. There are 30 or 40 years ago it was unimaginable that computer systems could reach the operational level they have reached today, carrying out processes almost automatically, less and less depending on the actions of people to manage them. 

This constant evolution is still in progress. Even though here in Brazil, technological advancement is a little deficient in relation to the main nations of the world, the use of technology in railroads is already quite significant and it is important that it continues to be improved.

An interesting example of how technological devices bring greater railroad safety is the use of weighing scales on railroads, especially dynamic scales.

In a simple way, the railroad scales have the function of weighing the train's wagons and loads. This process is important to determine values, losses and ensure the safety of the road, since each structure of the railroad networks is built to support a certain weighing.

In order for the dynamic scale to be able to weigh the loads and wagons on the tracks, there is a whole computer system, software and programs that perform the calculation as soon as the wagon is positioned on it. 

Data is calculated and sent to a professional who is responsible for receiving the amounts, determining the relevant actions to continue the work.


sinalização ferroviária

Proper signage using signs is essential in different spaces, such as streets, hospitals, shopping malls and environments that work with flammable elements, for example. 

The signs are responsible for determining and signaling where people can or cannot move, so that the safety of these environments is strengthened and people run less risk of going through dangerous situations.

This same concept is applied to railroads, naturally with different signs and signs and in smaller quantities than we are used to on highways.

The main form of railroad signaling so that safety is improved and fewer accidents happen is in relation to the signals between the people who operate the trains. 

To prevent trains on the same route from getting too close to each other, which could cause serious collision accidents, it is essential that there are signaling systems that ensure a good safe interval between vehicles on a railroad line.

Trains that move along the track are also built with signal lights that make them very visible, as well as bells and horns so that the approach is noticed faster and with enough time for people to notice the presence of the train on the track.

Important measure of railroad security: Training

railroad safety.

When we talk about railroad safety, the main people involved and responsible for ensuring this safety are the professionals who work in the railroad companies. They are responsible for the development of signs, technological improvement, railroad maintenance,, among other actions.

In order for these professionals to be trained to provide the greatest possible safety in the ways they work, it is essential that they receive adequate training. 

Even knowing that the risk of serious accidents involving professionals and passengers on railroads is considerably lower than on highways, there is always a risk and, when an accident occurs, such as derailment, collisions and being run over, the impact can be very strong.

In this sense, it is essential to prepare professionals involved in the stages of development and modernization of safety in the railroad networks so that they are always up to date with regard to the best measures to be taken, the most precise ways to perform maintenance on the roads, signaling and other actions which are fundamental.

The training, through courses, lectures, campaigns can be aimed at different areas and must be constant. 

It is even this constancy and quality of training that has made Brazil one of the countries with an international safety standard in railroads, and it is essential that the country follow this path and continue to guarantee total protection for railroad professionals.

Awareness campaigns

estrutura da via férrea

Finally, another important measure that must be constantly explored to improve railroad safety is the implementation of awareness campaigns for the population, especially for people who live close to the roads or those who have to move in these spaces as a result of their work.

A person who moves to a location close to a railroad may not have the necessary awareness of how train travel works, the busiest times and the security measures needed to move in these environments with complete peace of mind.

Thus, it is up to the companies involved in the concessions of lines and the federal government to work with awareness campaigns so that these people understand how it works and are able to have greater peace of mind when attending or moving near moving trains.


Safety is an essential aspect of everyone's life, and it could not be different for professionals who work on these railroads. Thus, it is important to understand what are the main measures that guarantee railroad safety, as we were able to follow during this article. 


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